Showing Tag: "paper bags" (Show all posts)

Plastic to use or not to use?

Posted by marionlara on Monday, June 4, 2012, In : business 

Talking about bags is a huge discussion because every time you begin you end up with something really new and useful. Plastic is being used for manufacturing bags since ages but yes new and new innovations are always been made with the passing years. Once there was a time when it was called the era of plastic. But much usage of plastic is also not good for environment as it does not degrade easily in the nature. As a result it has caused death of many animals in the past years. So the govern...

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Packaging of product should indeed be given a second thought

Posted by marionlara on Thursday, May 10, 2012, In : business 

Materials, food stuffs require outer cover to protect the stuff inside. It is very important for the industries manufacturing bags to take care of the materials used in making bags. It is not a child’s play that what you think is kept into action. Bags which are manufactured also undergo numerous processes before the final product comes in the hands of the customer. New and new inventions, new designs and hat not. Every need of the customers need to be fulfilled by the industry is the main...

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Papers bags are concerned over the plastics

Posted by marionlara on Tuesday, May 1, 2012, In : business 

Bags hold an important place in our life. They are sometimes generally known as the best personal providers. They are created of various items like natural cotton, artificial, set and so. But when it comes to common utilization like for shopping, the brands of two types of bags viz. nasty created and document created bags come to our intelligence. Both are fine, but the question is, which one is the best suitable for our specifications. Allows talk about the peculiarities related with the t...

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Biodegradable Paper bags and Plastic bags

Posted by marionlara on Thursday, April 26, 2012, In : business 

Whole world comprises of plastic. Every small thing you ought to buy is either made up of plastic or any other plastic type material. The demand for plastic has increased due to its certain qualities which are possessed by the material. Long durability plastic has always gained attention of the generation now a day. Moreover the different species of plastic are water resistant and sun resistant. Now they are less affected by the atmospheric conditions because of plastic can be recycled or re...

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People are in great confusion regarding plastic bags and paper bags

Posted by marionlara on Saturday, April 14, 2012, In : business 

In many countries the government is taking steps forward towards the policy of getting the use of the plastic bags reduced. They have started with banning them in huge retail stores and malls where shopping is done in very large amount. But plastic bags cannot be avoided or stopped using. These bags have properties of being waterproof which allows them to still be in the market for use in particular items. The malls are giving you bags of paper but if you get out shopping your best clothes ...

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Posted by marionlara on Tuesday, January 3, 2012, In : business 


We have heard a proverb which says, “Survival of the fittest”.  It is very true, as there is no place for the weak ones.  This statement is not only true for the social life but also stands true in the marketing tactics.  If the companies give out a weak product, then very soon it will go in loss.  Same is the case of bags. Bags though very useful but are weak.  This makes it usage area small and restricted.  However, if we add extra resistance or toughness into it, it will stand tall.  ...

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Posted by marionlara on Monday, January 2, 2012, In : business 


Paper bags are used in almost all the field these days.  However, taking into consideration the comparative account of usage of paper bags, then it found that most widely it is used as shopping or packing items that is in social life.  For shopping, the bag which is used must be resistant, good carrying capacity, and light in weight, reusable and most importantly handy.  Looking at it, brown paper bags were introduced into the market. 


Brown paper bags of varying sizes and shapes are av...

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Posted by marionlara on Saturday, December 31, 2011, In : business 


Paper bags are winning the hearts all around the globe.  Their popularity is increasing day by day along with its use.  Today, the paper bags are used almost in every field.  Either it be advertisement field or the packaging field or the social world, paper bags are found every where.  All this popularity is due to its great properties and environment friendly nature.  All thanks to the various scientist and the paper bags suppliers who have given great efforts in making the paper bags more ...

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Posted by marionlara on Friday, December 30, 2011, In : business 


Plastic bags are the most important commercially as well as socially used product.  It is used in every field and by every common man.  However, the plastic products as we all know are not environmental friendly.  They do not degrade into the soil and pollutes it.  It is very harmful for the human life and these days pollution due the plastic is on the hype. 


Apart from its harmful effects, it is widely used.  It is because of its great properties which cannot be avoided.  It is water r...

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Use of bio degradable products leads to more profit

Posted by marionlara on Thursday, December 22, 2011, In : business 


The word “environment” is now of great concern for every human being. Each festival, every wedding, every occasion promote some amount of pollution to the nature. It is now on organization and government who have to take a step forward and make regulations regarding environment saving. Going green and making some efforts towards maintaining and saving the flora and fauna of the earth are an indispensable part of every corporate social responsibility initiative. From recent years “going...

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